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The 6 Myths around Pricing

We have selected 6 Myths around pricing, which seem strangely persistent and widespread within all types of non-life insurance companies:

 "Our non-life underwriting process is truly aligned with our strategic objectives."

  "Producing a tariff is the only one issue in pricing"

  "The use of GLM pricing models guarantees me sustainable and profitable growth"

  "The redesign of tariffs is only a case by case issue and investing in a tool is not necessary"

  "Pricing is a matter of individual expertise"
  "The future of Pricing is exclusively through AI and big data based models and insurtechs"


To read our analysis and learn more about those Myths, please complete this form.

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Pricing challenges in an insurance company

Pricing often occupies a paradoxical position in an insurance company:

All CEOs consider this function to be at the very core of their business, growth and profitability; yet few give their technical management the means to achieve their ambitions in this area. Underwriting or distribution often take precedence in the order of priorities of business as usual.

Moreover, the pricing process is very often accused of being slow, disconnected from the threats of the market or the competition, or even opaque and incomprehensible, to the point of becoming almost anxiety-provoking: «in the end, the less we use this service, the better off we are! ».

This could have been the subject of an exegesis of a Myth in itself, as pricing is so important for the growth and profitability of a company... and it is unfortunately often the case that a lack of human resources and tools is at the root of the problem that prevents pricing from fulfilling its role correctly.


E-book written by:



Chairman and CEO of ADDACTIS Group.


Pierre ARNAL

Executive Vice President of ADDACTIS Group,
Head of Strategy & Alliances

About addactis® Pricing Solution

At addactis, we have the opportunity to lead you to success, increasing the global value chain of your Pricing process. We developed a solution addactis® Pricing to make you an expert in less than 6 months.

addactis® Pricing has been designed to embed all the best practices and methods in pricing so that this expertise can be transferred to your teams. By using our solution, your actuarial teams enrich their know-how and experience. Our Pricing solution drives you to the top of the art of underwriting, as it is the heart of your success !

Do you need to optimize your pricing processes and simplify your workflow ? Do you have the best understanding of your profit margin? Do you integrate your clients’ behavior in your pricing strategy? For all these questions, you can download our addactis Pricing presentation.