
The Four Non-life Reserving Methods you need to master throughout your actuarial career

How to choose the right reserving method?

Reserving is one of the three core functions of an actuary in an insurance company, along with pricing and capital modelling.

The reserving actuary’s role is key, and is one of the most scrutinized functions as well! This leads us to the million-dollar question: just how do we get those numbers right?

In this e-Book, we focus on selecting the right reserving method, among four mains universally known and used methods around the actuarial world:

  • Chain-Ladder
  • Bornhuetter-Ferguson
  • Average Cost
  • De Vylder method

Download the e-book and know when to use which actuarial reserving method at the right time! 🚀

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A content written by:

Marielle DE LA SALLE

Partner of ADDACTIS Group,
Head of Regulatory Solutions & Implementation


Pierre ARNAL

Executive Vice President of ADDACTIS Group,
Head of Strategy & Alliances

About addactis®

addactis®, the Risktech for Insurance, combines the knowledge and expertise of the insurance sector with a high level of analytics embedded in our software to transform risk and complexity into opportunities to improve insurance operations.
Our range of solutions covers Risk & Solvency assessment, Data Analytics, Reserving, Data Management, Tasks Automation, Business Intelligence, Reporting...