addactis® Celer
An integrated solution for capital management,
regulatory requirements and automated ORSA projections
Discover addactis® Celer: the new solution for automated ORSA projections and capital modeling
addactis® Celer supports the direct implementation of regulatory and internal company requirements that do not only drive the economic balance sheet and strategic focus of (re)insurance.
The solution automates most risk assessment processes of financial institutions.
Addactis pursue a holistic approach to risk management that includes all line of business and takes into consideration the legal framework.
An end-to-end solution with user-friendly features at each step: Initialization
Calculation engine
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Business information importation
Customer-specific strategies and business plans implementation
KPIs monitoring and reporting
Information such as accounting statements, asset portfolios or claims and assumptions can be imported either through direct access to databases or third-party systems, or with input templates provided in addactis® Celer.
In addition, customers can use the embedded economic scenario generator to optimise capital adequacy or to manage assets and liabilities. The flexible architecture of addactis® Celer also facilitates the implementation of internal models or even country specific directives such as the Swiss Solvency Test.
addactis® Celer gives transparent control of the individual calculation steps and monitoring of your KPIs, visualised via web dashboards.
Those dashboards are provided to present standard indicators for valuation, projection, and solvency, as well as to monitor asset and liability risks, These indicators help to ensure the relevance of the models, but also to evaluate the different scenarios or stress tests proposed.
About addactis®
addactis®, the Risktech for Insurance, combines the knowledge and expertise of the insurance sector with a high level of analytics embedded in our software to transform risk and complexity into opportunities to improve insurance operations.
Our range of solutions covers Risk & Solvency assessment, Data Analytics, Reserving, Data Management, Tasks Automation, Business Intelligence, Reporting...